Chairman Speek

  • chairman

    Mr.Yogesh Kumar Yadav CHAIRMAN

    ACMT GROUP OF COLLEGES is running with the noble intention of providing knowledge based courses in Management, Technology & Research.

    With an unwavering focus on research and extension work the courses have tread the formidable path of identifying the required areas of significance both from corporate angle and students' viewpoint.

    It is not an exaggeration to say that our students stood up to the expectations of several prestigious corporate and IT houses.

    The practical aspects of the courses have equipped them to take up many a challenging assignment and succeed with flying colours.

  • chairman

    Mr.Brijesh Kumar Yadav DIRECTOR

    It gives me great pleasure to communicate with you the young, fresh minds, who are preparing to embark on a career in the world of Management , Technology & Research, having completed your education at ACMT GROUP OF COLLEGES

    I hope that during your time at the college you have not only had the opportunity to imbibe and be equipped to face the world with confidence in the discipline that you choose but that the Institute has provided you with the value system with which you will conduct yourselves wherever opportunity takes you.

    I am sure that over the years ahead you will make this college proud of your accomplishments and achievements.

    The college would greatly appreciate that you not only continue your onnections with it but when you progress in life you bring back to college your learning’s, in order to share them with the students and faculty of the time.

    I am sure that you will make the contribution which all citizens need to, in whatever their field to, the society and the nation of which this college can be justly proud of.